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The MEDIAREJ platform is the first European platform promoting an experiential and humanistic vision of restorative justice training. It is available for professionals, trainers, and facilitators
The MEDIAREJ project, which started as an idea at the end of 2019, is a great work of research and common construction, the result of dialogue with trainers from all over the world The purpose of the platform is to share this fascinating work and keep the heritage alive. We want to keep this heritage alive and we need you to test and disseminate the resources produced. We are convinced that the quality work of the MEDIAREJ project can represent a treasure for restorative justice facilitators and mediators. In this platform, we provide the fruits and seeds of the project, the intellectual products so that you can use them and experiment in your activity as a mediator or trainer. If you do so, we’d love to have your feedback, telling us what you discovered, what happened and maybe even if you’ve made any adaptations or have any suggestions to enrich the product.
Your experiences can be, in fact, an inspiration for those who will read you. Your feedback will be important to us, a precious gift that will make this mine of resources and content come alive. The invitation we extend to users is for engagement as not so much stakeholders but as community holders to increase communities of practice not only professionally but as a way of life
Humanistic Approach to
Restorative Justice.
The humanistic approach places the person and his/her deepest values at the centre, those that are reached and wounded by the conflict, and acts so that these values emerge and are also known and recognized by the other people involved in the conflict.

Resources and Material of Restorative Justice
This is a collection of written resources dedicated to the study and application of restorative justice principles and practices. This repository may include works from various disciplines, including law, social work, psychology, and sociology, and may cover a wide range of topics related to restorative justice, such as victim-offender mediation, circle processes, and transformative justice. The books in this repository serve as valuable resources for researchers, practitioners, and advocates who seek to deepen their understanding of restorative justice and its potential to address harm and conflict in transformative ways.
Here you can find the 4 principal key words related to the MEDIAREJ project. Due to the lack of literature specific to training for restorative justice trainers, we include references that go beyond pure “training” and thus some concepts may use different terminologies. The definitions are taken from the Intellectual Output N°1
- Facilitators: those trained to facilitate different restorative justice practices (e.g., mediator, conferencing, circles). Depending on the literature, these may be referred to as mediators or practitioners in the text.
- Restorative justice: any process which enables those harmed by crime, those responsible for that harm and possibly the community, if they freely consent, to participate in the resolution of matters arising from the offence, through the help of a trained facilitator. Restorative justice makes use of different methods (e.g., mediation) with the aim of achieving a consensual and co-constructed form of justice.
- Trainers: those who instruct participants in a training course giving them guidance and working together with their audience. Depending on the literature, these may be referred to as instructors, supervisors or teachers in the text.
- Trainees: those who received guidance and instructions as participants in a training course. Depending on the literature, these may be referred to as students, participants, or learners in the text.